Towards a joint EACN vision for the European Automotive Industry
The sanitary crisis and its impact on the automotive industry across Europe and the world led 14 members of the European Automotive Cluster Network EACN to jointly analyze the situation and define a joint vision for the post-crisis automotive industry.
The action consisted of about ten virtual meetings punctuated by brainstorming sessions, presentations and discussions. The work resulted in nine theses:
#1 - The EU Automotive industry already faced multiple challenges before the pandemic
#2 - Pandemic impacts are creating additional short-term pressure on companies
#3 - Pandemic consequences will fashion the urban mobility landscape in a long term
#4 - Future market evolution will be technology driven
#5 - The automotive core competence in the future resides in the electric powertrain
#6 - Reduced financial capacities shall not delay further technological innovation
#7 - The EU Automotive Industry must contribute to European sustainability goals
#8 - The whole EU Automotive value chain must become highly flexible and automated
#9 - The automotive industry landscape must better resist to global crises
Details of the results can be found in the document "Transform pandemic into opportunity - Toward a joint EACN vision for the European Automotive Industry"
The presentation of the results of this action also allowed EACN to be identified by the European Commission and other European institutions as a privileged interlocutor on issues of the automotive industry in Europe.
About the European Automotive Cluster Network EACN
Initiated by the Pole Véhicule du Future at the end of 2017, EACN now brings together 19 European and international clusters with a common objective of strengthening the competitiveness of members via joint actions or establishing relationships around projects and businesses.
More infos: EACN