Personalised support: from idea to filing

The cluster offers personalised support for your national or European projects and your business, in tune with the market.

With the help of your key resource person at the cluster, you will be accompanied from point your project is devised, to search for partners, set up of the project and find the appropriate funding window, in relation with regional, national and European partners. 

From the idea to filing your application: the cluster is there to support you 

If you are looking for information and advice for your project or if you want to take part in or submit a proposal in response to a call for projects, whether national or European, contact us at the cluster and see how we can help.

We can offer assistance in several forms: 

  • Help with defining and focusing the idea;
  • Information on calls for projects and help with targeting the ones best suited to your project;
  • Support with searching for ongoing projects or partners, either French or European;
  • Expert assessment of your application by the cluster’s technical and business specialists in order to help you highlight the strong points and improve any weak points (technological choices, state of the art, IP, economic impact and market access strategy, eco-conditionality, etc.);
  • Proof-reading of your application;
  • A "mock oral" with the cluster's experts to prepare for the project selection interviews;
  • Help with submitting your application on the online submission platforms: BPIfrance, PIA, Ademe, ANR, Funding & Tender Portal, etc.).
  • Les Pôles de compétitivité
  • Qualiopi - Certification qualité délivrée au titre des actions de formation
  • Member of The European Automotive Cluster Network EACN