15 octobre 2019

Automotive Day 2019 in Liege: a real success for the PAE project

On September, 24th 2019, Technifutur and the University of Liege supported by the other PAE project's partners organised the Automotive Day 2019 in Liege (Wallonia, Belgium). The topic of this year was "Recycling and life cycle assessment challenges in the automotive sector". The event gathered 108 participants from Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg and Netherlands and thus had a great coverage of the Great Region.

All the morning was dedicated to a plenary session with the participation of several high-level speakers such as the University of Liege, Ford or Febelauto. In the afternoon, participants had the opportunity to participate in B2B sessions as well as in parallel sessions on two topics: the recycling of metallic materials and of non-metallic materials. Here again, high-level speakers animated the sessions, such as Arcelor Mittal, CRM Group or CETIM Grand-Est.

The day ended with company visits: the participants were able to visit Arcelor Mittal, John Cockerill and CRM Group.

> Visit Arcelor Mittal website
> Visit John Cockerill website
> Visit CRM Group website


The PAE project 

The PAE project brings together nine German, Belgian, French and Luxembourg partners and three German associated partners under the coordination of the CCI Grand-Est. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund via the Interreg VA Greater Region program.

PAE’s main objective is to strengthen competitiveness and attractiveness of the Greater Region’s automotive industry through coordinated cross-border actions.

Its key objectives are:

  • strengthen the presence of SMEs in the Greater Region (Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Wallonia) and adjacent regions (Alsace, Baden Württemberg, Champagne Ardenne, etc.) in foreign markets,
  • improve the competitiveness of companies at the cross-border and international level (support to maintain a technological lead, adaptation of human resource skills to meet the development needs of new mobility and the industry of the future),
  • reinforce cooperation between automotive clusters in the Greater Region, which are important tools for the sustainability of this approach. 

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  • Les Pôles de compétitivité
  • Qualiopi - Certification qualité délivrée au titre des actions de formation
  • Member of The European Automotive Cluster Network EACN