10 janvier 2018
e-MOTICON European Project: Newsletter nb. 2
Here is the second Newsletter of the Interreg Alpine Space project: e-MOTICON.
Be aware of news about this project!
- Rolling out first e-MOTICON results: where does the e-mobility and Electric Charging Station (E-CS) stand in the Alpine Space?
- News from Italy, Slovenia and Austria
- Save the dates:
- 25th January: 2nd Public Event and Workshop, in Slovenia
- 23rd and 24th January: e-MOTICON partners meeting, in Slovenia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/E-Moticon-Project-Alpine-Space-108378783106137/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eMOTICON_Alpine
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/e-moticon-alpine-space-a5482a145/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3HUEjfWQyyveRsDFiJ-OrQ